Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Not fooled by randomness

I am trying on for size the notion of having an unverifiable and absolute belief - belief in the non-random nature of life.

It may seem like the world is a set of arbitrary occurrences, each life like a pebble being tossed around in the powerful current of a downward-rushing stream at full speed. Does anyone chart out the path of the pebble, know which tuft of underwater vegetation it will get entangled in, which bank it will rest upon momentarily, which group-origin-destination-combination of minerals it will choose to bound along with?

No, I cannot believe it is all random. I cannot believe that I could have been in any other place in the world, with anything more or anything less of the open-ness, broken-ness, vulnerability, mystique, sanguinity and sadness than I did; we - he and I - being at that moment perfect blends of chemical and psychological elements compelling us to become acquaintances, friends, and more.

A belief in a destiny which is a tough disciplinarian, giving you a good scrubbing and sometimes a terrific drubbing, dressing you up and then like an over-ambitious mum, shoving you into the spotlight for what you recognize in hindsight as the greatest life-changing moments of your existence.

Not random, not by a long mile.