Sunday, February 13, 2022


What does it take
To go from blurry lines
to stygian blind
- a pinch of color
Of the wrong kind
A squeeze,
a hint
of looming chill
an undulating road
deceptively downhill
we move around
with masks on
facades of civility
quickly shorn
quick to crack
like crème brulee
to reveal the horrors
we keep at bay
the slope is slippery
the soul is mud
for cunning craftsmen
to mould with blood
to tattoo with needles
with poisonous tips
our dark fates
in hellish scripts
history has shown
many times over
tis true it’s true
and so what must
we do
fight today
the minor tweaks
the casual stripping
the harmless leaks
to snip and nip
this thing in the bud
this evil out there
but also in our own blood



I have many bottles
they sit on a shelf
they are quite pretty
I made them myself
They hold different things
some fizz some settle
some yearn to be let out
like steam from a kettle
I will free them one day
let them fly float fall
vanish like the mist
or take over it all
Just not now my sweets
now’s not the time
not for a little while more
it is not a crime
it is not a crime
I am just too busy
there are things to be done
no time to be dizzy
With laughter and sorrow
loneliness and glee
I will feel you tomorrow
I will. You will see
I will feel every feeling
every last one of you
let you rain over me
and soak me through and through
You must have patience
and wait for that day
till then you are safe
till then you’re okay
And I am okay too
I have many bottles
They sit on a shelf
They are horcruxes actually
Parts of my self