Wednesday, November 05, 2008

City Lights

Last night Chennai took my breath away. I belong to the school that thinks that nothing can beat the aerial view of Mumbai, with all it's glittering lights and their shimmering reflections in the sea.

Till I saw Chennai. Nay, beheld Chennai. Chennai is vast, it has roads criss-crossing it's body like conductor on a giant Printed Circuit Board, and those roads have traffic on them. Thousands and millions of tiny pin-pricks of red, yellow, green and blue.

How does one hang-on to such an image for posterity? To invoke it when one needs to feel beauty and grandeur? Like Paris from the Eiffel, only better.

I am very peppy this morning. Barack Obama is home.


The Soul of Alec Smart said...

Have you seen the aerial view of Delhi yet? Must!

Shreya said...

Really? Dont know how I missed it.

Bobby said...

U came to Chennai???!!

Puneet said...

I think you would be enthralled by the aerial view of Vizag; havent seen Chennai, but beats Mum black and blue

Vinay said...

Wow.. someone posting nice things about Chennai in a blog.. That really ought to be something..