Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Tell me your dreams

Sigmund Freud said that 'The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises'.

It is a rare day in a month for most people when they come face to face with their subconscious, they are jolted by the encounter, even betrayed perhaps, by the subliminal existence of it.

But there are those few who suffer the lot of a host whose guests have overstayed their welcome, guests who are constantly lounging on the living room couch, flipping channels.

As one of those people and I am basing my conclusion on the disturbing fact that it has been many moons since I had a dreamless sleep, I am curious to understand the nuts and bolts of it. I want to know what these dreams mean - because most of them are sinister, and whether they happen to any other people I know with such alarming regularity.

Are any of you readers persistent dreamers too? Or perhaps the difference lies in the fact that I remember all my dreams?

I read somewhere - Man is a plaything of his own memories. While dreaming incessantly has not proven to be detrimental to my well-being till date, except for the fact that I am not really achieving the dreamless NREM state for long enough, I am sure that it is a result of something that is not quite right.


Yogesh said...

What do your dreams involve? Murder? Arson? Sabotage? Some guests going surprisingly missing from the face of the earth? :P

The Soul of Alec Smart said...

I'm a persistent dreamer too. Don't remember the dreams all the time though. Usually, the dreams involved a rather dramatic/ exaggerated visual of a hurried thought I might have had during the day. One dream that I saw for many years with alarming regularity was that of being chased by someone (whose face could never be seen) in narrow alleys that grew narrower and narrower. It always seemed much too real. Now I never dream about that, at least.

Darshit said...

You should read the book, "Interpretation of Dreams" by the same Segmund Freud. It's a fascinating book.

I also never have dream-less nights. My dreams are always great fun though. And that's why I enjoy sleeping so much :)

Dhiren said...

I used to remember my dreams once in a while.... but I cant seem to remember them since I got married or maybe its dreamless sleep !
But her dreams have changed to weird .. almost sinister ones. Curioser and Curioser :)
There probably are n number of hocus pocus sites which interpret your dreams. Look them up while sitting by candle light.

Madhurjya (Banjo) Banerjee said...

easiest way to get dreamless sleep - to be so tired that brain closes down :)

Unknown said...

I always felt that you remember only dreams that wake you up.More often than not frightening, exhausting or the ones putting you in mortal danger. How else would someone remember what went by in sleep? On a different note i don't remember any dream with a happy ending that woke me up. Has anyone ever woken up to a happy dream??

Shreya said...

@Yogi - My dreams are weird and the scary part is that they are always there
@Alec - That's comforting! (Sorry). I have dreaming alot about murder lately!
@Darshit - Am sure you are not enjoying your nights now, with a screaming baby around :)
@Dhiren - You just quoted from one of my fav books of all times :)
@Banjoji - Does not work with me :(
@Kiran - I have never been woken up by a happy dream, but I do remember parts of it when I wake up. On second thoughts, I don't remember when was the last time I had a happy dream!