Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Humanity the great misnomer

my spirit looks like my poems
broken, unfinished
should i really be speaking
when i feel so diminished

the world outside is ablaze
my own steeped in a strange mix
of ennui and fatigue
my own shall pass, does the first have a fix?

is it okay to say
that humans are the worst
no spirit no redemption
we ruined all with our thirst

is it okay to say
that humanity is overrated
it is actually a misnomer
if you see the way we have treated

almost everything good
and i no better, am I?
caught in my own petty struggles
i don't even try

selfish and self-centred
it'd be good if we got wiped out
unless we miraculously collaborate
but that's not what humanity is about

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