Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Womanly nap

Yesterday I took a nap
In the middle of the day
Where I got the audacity
I cannot quite say

My cook tip-toed in
Concerned about the daal
That I had forgotten to order
Sleep had me in its thrall

What to make she fretted
Quite upset you see
Such top-notch decisions
Can only be taken by me

She approached my husband
Who was watching TV
Together they found the courage
To come and awaken me

..from this unseemly nap
Come out of nowhere
Leaving matters helter-skelter
A situation most unfair

The daal got ordered
(by husband after I gave a go-ahead)
the dinner menu was conveyed
before I got out of bed

Then I looked at my phone
And lo and behold!
There was a deluge of calls
I was ashamed and ready to fold!

These honourable creditors
Were beating down my door
I had promised them my time
And instead, I’d been a’snore!

I quickly called them back
Assuaging and contrite
(No naps were mentioned)
And all was soon al-right

I was back in fighting form
Willing to do my best
To atone for the past hour
For daring to - rest

Being Human

I look at my son

And wonder 

What to tell him

When the time ever comes

About what it is to be human

Is it to push ahead 

With an evolutionary logic

Fittest, strongest

other forms of ests

Is it to give in

To the tenets of the tribe 

the wisdom of the collective

Whose only goal is self-preservation

Or is it to venture

To go where none have 

To the moon and beyond

To pay no heed to limitations

That our bodies impose 

Is it to think

Or to feel

To endure

Or to evolve

To stay rooted in a past

That no longer seems nurturing

Or to look to a future

Where we are less of what we have been

But so much more 

Is it to love 

Under the light of a moon

That sees no difference

This side that side

All the same 

Is being human in our dna

Or is it in our imaginations?

Does it live in our primate-primitive selves

In the zero-sum game of survival 

Or in that which makes it all worth it?

We write the rules 

We break them

Which of these is really us?

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Remember me

Don’t remember me when I go

For my smile
For my grace
For my simplicity
Or cheerful face

I have none of these
Or even if I do
These are not what
I want to be to you

Remember me

For my fire
For my dreams
For my fight
my extremes

For my roughness
For my toughness
For my edges,
prickly hedges

For my spirit
that can’t unsee
Inequities that reach
far beyond me

For my arrogance
that I can change
a tiny piece of the world
I know it's strange

Remember me for my strangeness
For being a misfit
For standing up
when I could sit

Oh and yes, remember me for my love

Measured not in
adoring looks
Nor sumptuous cooks
Few lavish presents
or evenings pleasant
And a home and hearth
to call our own?
Doesn’t interest me
If the truth be known

Remember me for my love

a love that is simple
with the simple creed
that with you beside me
I have everyone I need

Monday, August 08, 2022

The Pursuit of Joy

I need a dose of daily joy
Like tonic for my soul
Like Fevikwik for broken parts
that makes me feel so whole
No matter how bad it gets
Always keep handy a vice
A time-out from your daily grind
And that’s my best advice
It need not be a vice you know
Just something that is special
A sunset, a bath, a phone call
to buttress-harness-trestle
Happiness is hard
Too many parameters at play
Difficult to evoke at will
Impossible to make it stay
But good ol’ joy ain’t that way
It’s like instant noodles
Boil it stir it slurp it
Dopamine in oodles
Yes yes do fix your life
In big and lasting ways
But keep a minute for dear old joy
It’ll keep the blues at bay

Sunday, August 07, 2022

What being a woman means

To be a woman
Is to see no difference
And treat myself as such
To hold myself
To the same expectations
Inside the house and outside
To make the first move
To punch above my weight
To stand tall even in a sea of giants
To see the extra layers
And teach myself not to cringe
Someone’s learning by watching me
To let the son know it’s ok to cry
Important to nurture
Necessary to ask
To think no ill
Especially of other women
Whose shoes I haven’t walked in
But to carry the weight
Atlas-like, for all women
I cannot shrug.
For my sisters and daughters
And certainly for my son
I will define who women are

Love is a verb

Love is this and that
So we are told
It will happen to you they say
And we are totally sold
So great is this thing
It will change you my friend
You will feel all the feels
For all of time till it ends
Happiness will be yours
When this manna does drop
You will harvest forever
This bountiful crop
So imagine my surprise
when this promised land
turned out to be a mirage
of an oasis in the sand
Love is not a thing
Love is not a thing
It’s not fate or fact
I daresay I now know
That love is an act
Love is an action
Made of many tiny beats
of care, of caresses
of attentions on repeat
it’s a smile when you’re tired
a kindness when you’re beat
it’s to hold an umbrella
amidst the blazing heat
it’s a decision that you make
and renew on every day
to be an anchor and a safeguard
a refuge in stormy bays
to take the bad with the good
the ugly with the smooth
somedays it’s a struggle
and that’s the simple truth
Nevertheless, you climb that hill
not only for the view
for the company, the conversations
and no one else will do
It may not be easy
and many-splendored every day
love is work
a resolution to stay
So, yes, it’s fabulous and fine
And all very superb
But one must remember
That love is a verb

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Be half a woman

I wish a wish

on your behalf

that on this day

you get to be half

Half as driven

Half as intent

Half as amazing

50% percent

Be less

have fewer still,

tasks to do

goals to fulfil

Be a one-tasker

why not I say

one must experience

this too for a day

Go lock yourself

in a room or such

a retreat they call it

not asking for much

Shakespeare did it

(Austen could not)

did the kids eat

was never bethought

And when those kids walk in

look another way

run if you must

go quick I say

Run like the wind

no sweat no worry

lie low think nothing

be ordinary

Be ordinary

a standard issue human

oh and barf at anyone

calling you super-woman

Be half a woman

Be half a woman

for a full day

it won’t be easy

but try it today


Sunday, February 13, 2022


What does it take
To go from blurry lines
to stygian blind
- a pinch of color
Of the wrong kind
A squeeze,
a hint
of looming chill
an undulating road
deceptively downhill
we move around
with masks on
facades of civility
quickly shorn
quick to crack
like crème brulee
to reveal the horrors
we keep at bay
the slope is slippery
the soul is mud
for cunning craftsmen
to mould with blood
to tattoo with needles
with poisonous tips
our dark fates
in hellish scripts
history has shown
many times over
tis true it’s true
and so what must
we do
fight today
the minor tweaks
the casual stripping
the harmless leaks
to snip and nip
this thing in the bud
this evil out there
but also in our own blood



I have many bottles
they sit on a shelf
they are quite pretty
I made them myself
They hold different things
some fizz some settle
some yearn to be let out
like steam from a kettle
I will free them one day
let them fly float fall
vanish like the mist
or take over it all
Just not now my sweets
now’s not the time
not for a little while more
it is not a crime
it is not a crime
I am just too busy
there are things to be done
no time to be dizzy
With laughter and sorrow
loneliness and glee
I will feel you tomorrow
I will. You will see
I will feel every feeling
every last one of you
let you rain over me
and soak me through and through
You must have patience
and wait for that day
till then you are safe
till then you’re okay
And I am okay too
I have many bottles
They sit on a shelf
They are horcruxes actually
Parts of my self

Monday, December 27, 2021

I see you

I never took my eyes

off of you
Everything you did
and still do
Is seen
Yes, I see your struggles
but how you're special too
How you create magic
Every day is new
with you
I saw you when you couldn't move
but tried your best
Who then knows you better than me
who knows your dreams, your zest
I see your shyness
your hesitations
I see your stubbornness
your frustrations
But I also see your smile
that lights up the room
I revel in your curiosity
that dispels all gloom
They say mothers are biased
but no,
mothers are the ones
who really know
As I watch you learn and grow
find yourself, find your crew
my ardent wish is that you believe
in yourself, as much as I do

Strawberries on a summer evening

Hello excuse me

Can I be a nothing
no goal no destination
whiling away hours
at some faraway station
watching paint dry
or even the grass grow
wealthy of time
the best kind you know?
Circadian rhythms
restful days
no clocks must exist
vestigial I say
Do I have to earn it
this time abound
or is one born
just - less - bound
by the need to do
to experience to feel
to love to believe
to hurt to heal
I like it
don’t get me wrong
it’s me my choices
my beat my song
but sometimes,
not very often
I wish I could shrug
I wish I could soften
Lead with my heart
feet right behind
take a trip to nowhere
with nothing to find
and no one to find me
but me myself and I
some strawberries maybe
on a summer evenin’ in July