Sunday, March 28, 2010


One fine day (actually 3 am in the morning) my phone stopped working.

My first reaction was of incredulity. What? My phone? MY phone? My PHONE?

That is not to say that I wasn't expecting something of the sort to happen. Because I was, somewhere in my system there was a small ominous voice. My phone had been behaving funny since long. But as a species of optimistic (read stupid) homo-sapiens (yes, it's DNA programming, not my fault), we always tend to ignore these diligent little things (ominous voices) and I figured this would never actually happen. I would preempt it by getting it repaired or buying a new one before it could die on me.

But no. It's like a heart attack. All your life you think - let me have this last day of indulgence, from tomorrow on no more white sauce on pasta; or let me just sleep a little longer today, from tomorrow it's 6 am jogging; or are you crazy, I can't stop smoking right now, just as soon as this extremely critical project is over and done with, I shall quit.

A tad extreme, I agree, comparing a heart attack to the phone dying on you - at least there's no loss of memory in the case of a heart attack.

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