Monday, June 14, 2010

The eight wonders

There is a Hakim-Aalim-Hair-and-Tattoo-lounge near my old place on Carter road and it has since the past half a year sported a hoarding in its vicinity which says - "Javed Habib is pregnant, delivering soon".

It almost sounds ominous. Like who knows what Mr Habib will unleash upon this world and the bourgeois better beware.

So, dear readers!! Tralala..lala..laLALA and all that. I am told that I have eight followers. I see there is merit in not going and checking the number of followers that one has - every hour. One is pleasantly surprised when the number leapfrogs from two to eight. A 300% for those who ingest numbers and unfortunately I know many who do. Although I can derive some solace from the fact that they are probably not among them followers.

I must here insert a statement which umm..states that I am aware of the insignificance of having eight followers. I blog-hob-nob with people who win blog-awards. Eight followers is what their toenails have.


It is raining like the blazes in Mumbai. I have never been able to decide whether I love the rains or hate them. I guess, both. It is frustrating when you are stuck in a hell-hole of a traffic jam for three hours and it is pouring, and because it is pouring. It is beautiful when you are watching it raise hell and high water, insistently, persistently, from the safety of the terrace, in the company of a good book, or conversation. It activates sound, light, touch - the works.

One thing suddenly came to me though - it has been close to twelve years since I have thrown all caution to the wind, or the rains in this case, and reveled - getting drenched to the bone and not caring. With no worries of where I need to go, what I am wearing or carrying, how I am going to look or whether I am going to catch the cold of my life. It has been that long since I felt all that.

Prisoners of our own device, we are.


Saw Sex and the City part II and came out with a very happy feeling. All glowy and lovey. And he was wearing specs too. That added to it. The women all look old, no doubt. Makes me wonder, do these American women grow to look older before their time? Or is it just the naivete of youth that made me spake these words? Apart from that, their clothes are as bizarre as ever. Big is domesticated and Carrie, the eternal seeker, is still seeking. Let me not even get started on what Samantha is upto.

On slightly more morose topics, work - that heralder of old age before its time (did I just proclaim to be suffering from the naivete of youth?), is doing its job well. My back is fragile and the dentist says I grind my teeth too much. Weird, the kind of things doctors diagnose me with. Next they will be calling me a hypochondriac.


The Soul of Alec Smart said...

Grind your teeth too much?! That was the diagnosis? Weird!

You're the ONLY one person to have liked SATC2! Or at least the only one saying it. I'm still waiting for someone to watch it with.

Ghost Rider said...

Woops! I grind my teeth 24/7 too! Now don't tell me that's a problem! :-)

Kavity said...

Random weather.. but I do love it.. as a visitor, that is. Was never a fan of it when I had to arrange for my own transport up and down from office!
Weird how contextual even rains get in our lives!

Shreya said...

Grinding teeth too much can lead to all sorts of things and more importantly, all sorts of things can be done to eliminate those disastrous consequences.
@Kavity - Context is King, I guess.

Baishakhi said...

I was gonna remark on your 12 years since you did a carefree lets-get-drenched-in-the-rain thing, then i realised its been almost 8 years for me too.. and in the upside-down country i am in, it rains only in sub-10 degree winter!! so cant see myself doing that anytime soon :(

Da Rodent said...

I have attempted atleast three times to watch one full episode of that. I've fallen asleep every time :-S